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Season 4 is now streaming on Netflix!
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Netflix 12 Hour Livestream From Stranger Things Day 2020 [Possible S4 Hints]


Eddie Munson
Staff member

This video was streamed on Netflix's YouTube channel on Stranger Things Day (November 6th, 2020). It's a compilation of every time someone said Will Byers' name in all 3 seasons. The video itself isn't 12 hours long, it just looped over and over for 12 hours straight. Somewhere throughout the video, strange things (pun intended) start to happen. On one loop, the video turns upside down. On another loop, the video has a red hue filter over it, and the actors voices are lowered in pitch. Towards the end of the loop, single letters appear on screen spelling out a message. Possible hints as to what S4 has in store for us? You be the judge!​